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These are our regularly scheduled activities.  For a complete list of the activities, venues and time check Our Calendar.

First Saturday Fasting Prayer

Every month on the first Saturday we fast and come together at 10 AM for a time of intercessory prayer at a member’s house, by turn.  Our main focus is to pray for missions and missionaries, the universal Church, the needs of India and the US and any contemporary issues.


Prayer is the foundation of the spiritual growth and renewal of our Fellowship.   We experience the transforming power of the omnipotent God in all our prayer sessions.

Monthly Fellowship Meeting

Every month on the third Sunday we assemble at 5.30 PM at Room 200, River City Christian, Rancho Cordova, CA, for a fruitful fellowship time.


We participate in corporate worship, sharing testimonies, Bible study and prayer for about 2 to 3 hours.   We also have a fellowship dinner at the end.

Fourth Friday Prayer

We meet at 9 PM for an extended time of prayer until 11 PM every fourth Friday.   The participants intercede for nations, for the needs of missionaries, for international peace, for revival of Churches, and for God’s intervention in contemporary issues impacting the common man.

Small Groups

These are very small groups of our fellowship that comprise of 4 or 5 families who mostly live close to each other.   Here the members get the opportunity to grow spiritually by praying together, witnessing for the Lord together and studying the Word together in an intimate and friendly ambience.  The smaller size of the group nurtures close bonding  and each one in the group is challenged to live out a Christ-centered life and is encouraged to be spiritually accountable to one another!


The small group meets monthly or quarterly in a member's home by turn.

Annual Specials

Annual Retreat



Thanksgiving Day Celebration

New Year watch-night Service

Special meetings

When a missionary or a spiritual leader visits from India we organize meetings at a common place or at a member’s residence for the benefit of the group including guests.

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